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Woom 3 hjelper barna med å lære å sykle og kontinuerlig forbedre sine ferdigheter. Barna utvikler god balanse og kan gå av sykkelen uten å falle av. Den oppreiste sitteposisjon på Woom 3 hjelper barnets balanse, gir god oversikt og inspirerer til å ha det gøy på sykkelen!
Frame Material: Light and high quality A-6061 Aluminum - Beginner geometry with 16" wheel size and good natured riding characteristics: Extremely low step in height, very low minimum seating position, long wheelbase, very forgiving geometry and steering delimiter to avoid over-steering; Set up provides maximum stability, excellent balance and safe straight line riding resulting in increased satisfaction - Continuous seat post design allows for maximum saddle height adjustment
light aluminium fork - 1" shaft - designed for ease of steering
Super light Soopa-Doopa-Hoops Aluminum rims - small Aluminum hubs for extended leg room at the rear wheel - sealed bearing hubs - wheel can be installed and removed with 5mm allen wrench - 16 Niro spokes 1.8 straight spokes
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Kenda Small Block 1,5"x16 light weight low profile balloon tires offer great damping, rolling performance and a lot of grip - Schrader valves (car valves) to inflate easily
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Kenda Small Block 1,5"x16 light weight low profile balloon tires offer great damping, rolling performance and a lot of grip - Schrader valves (car valves) to inflate easily
Light forged aluminum cranks with 80mm length and low Q-Factor (low width between both legs) - Beginner ratio: 25T front and 16 rear - plastic pedals - molded cartridge chamber - Easy to operate V Hand brakes without coaster/foot brake.
Two independent hand brakes - Mini V-Brake with levers suitable for small hands - small hand reach brake lever with reach adjustability and ergonomic fit for very small hands - soft green brake pads in the rear for excellent braking power with little brake usage -hard (black) front brake pads for safe and regulated braking - Rear brake lever is green with the same color rear brake pad for ease of differentiation of front vs rear brake - high quality Jagwire bowden cable for low friction and ease of operation
wide, ergonomic, and light aluminum handlebar for more control - BMX style with high rise for maximum adjustability - sand blasted and black anodized - designed for small hands with a 19mm diameter - Width: 470mm
Forged Aluminum - 40mm - +10° - no protruding screws in this fully integrated and proprietary clamp design - we call it the knee-friendly design - the handlebar is connected with two 6mm bolts
Age specific and ergonomically designed and molded - Free of pollutant and toxins - side safeguard to lean against wall
Anodized aluminum seat post - integrated maximum insertion indicator
Anbefalt lengde